Daftar Isi: 1. Perawatan Ibu-Bayi di KOmunitas 2. Kehamilan Normal 3. Periode Persalinan, Kelahiran dan Post-Partum 4. Perawatan Kolaboratif pada Komplikasi Selam Kehamilan] 5. Memertahankan Kualitas Perawtan Kesehatan Ibu-Bayi
Atlas teknik kebidanan edisi kedua membekali residen kebidanan mahasiswa kedokteran dan bidan dengan bacaan ilustratif yang menjelaskan proses kelahiran bayi. Buku ini menguraikan kelahiran bayi normal dan memberi penjelasan mengenai rentang pilihan teknik Kebidanan yang dapat digunakan untuk mengatasi beragam situasi. Lingkup bahasan buku ini mencakup perawatan antenatal, mekanisme kelahiran b…
This classic in the field is the authoritative work on the growing profession of midwifery. The third edition represents more of a rewrite than revision, with over 50% new material. All aspects of the text have been updated to reflect the most current research, information and resources available. A few of the most noticeable changes to the new edition are the integration of all birth settings …
This revised edition of this well-known textbook endeavours to incorporate the latest developments and thinking. There are contributions by midwives and other specialists. The book has been given a new structure and aims to reflect the importance of the whole family in childbearing and the right of the woman to have the say in choices and on her centrality as the person on whom care is focused.…
Buku teks obstetri yang telah menetapkan disiplin ilmu bagi generasi-generasi ahli obstetri-ginekologi sekarang lebih sesuai dengan situasi terkini dan esensial daripada sebelumnya. Disusun oleh penulis-penulis dari University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center yang dikenal secara nasional, Obstetri Williams mempertahankan ciri khasnya, yaitu cakupannya yang komprehensif dan penerapan langsun…
Contents: 1. The Midwife 2. The Midwife in the community 3. Indicators of health in relation to maternity care 4. Planning a healthy pregnancy 5. Conception and Early development 6. Adaptation to pregnancy 7. Antenatal care 8. Fetal Growth and well-being 9. Parent education 10. Early teenage Pregnancy 11. Bleeeding in early pregnancy 12. Hypertensive Disorders in Pregnancy 13. Med…